The captive partner you’ve been looking for

Whether you’re a business or broker, Envision is your resource for solutions based advice, guidance, programs, and education. Check out our upcoming events.


Captives: the Perfect Match Between Risk and Insurance

Our analysis aims to match the best solution with the goal, vision, and culture of your business. We are consultative, open minded, and creative – and if we’re not the right partner for you, we’ll help you find the right one.

Group Captives

Through our experience working with over 20 different group captives, we can help brokers and clients find the right captive for their culture. This includes that captives we run.

Health Insurance Group Captives

Not every health insurance captive is the same. We are thrilled to provide a new perspective to health insurance brokers and clients through group captives.

Single Parent Captives

The most creative and innovative offering can also be simple and economical. We have the ability to offer bespoke services to build and run the best captive for you.

Building a Group Captive

Private group captives are increasingly some of the most successful methods to build and grow a captive. Whether you are an association, a broker looking to add an agency captive, or a group of likeminded business owner – we can help you build and grow a group captive.

Consulting on Existing Captives

Of the thousands of captives globally, very few are growing, innovating, or utilizing their inherent opportunities. We are humbled to be asked to help captives find new vision and growth opportunities of already existing captives.

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Tommy Tall Boy
Testimonial 2
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Plain Jane

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